My first visit to a specialist...
hmm...sounds quite cool right...going to a least the first time i heard that i need to go to a specialist...i thought it was cool...but if you really think isnt really that cool anymore...cos your condition is beyond a general clinic doctor(er...i dunno how is it called...just made up a name for it...hehe...) started on the thursday during the march holidays...went to see my family doctor about my nose problem...some running nose and family doctor doesnt really have a lot of when i went there...there wasnt anyone else i thought might as well talk to him more...keep him company you wishful thinking la...but who cares...
After settling the problem with my nose, i asked him something about my flight experience...
Me: Hey, I'm curious. How come during the descent of the plane, my ears become blocked and eventually they hurts?
Doctor: Well, do you study bio?
Me: Er...during secondary no...
Doctor: Well, as you see, in order for our ear drum to vibrate, the pressure coming from the nose and the pressure entering the ear should be the same. However, in your case, since your nose was blocked, there is a pressure difference and the pressure starts to build up in your ear. So when the pressure gets too high, your ears will hurt.
Me: Oh...I see...
That was the end of my question...but i dunno what came over him...he started asking about whether my ears are still blocked after the flight and he checked my ears...This was what he said...
Doctor: I think there is rupture in both your ear drums, the right one having a bigger hole...( Lightning la...just kidding...obviously not so dramatic la)
He suggested me to go to the polyclinic to get a referral letter to the specialist, which i did... but the doctor at the polyclinic gave me 2 weeks of antibiotics, which shocked the hell out of my mother...but i din eat the the confirmation from my family doctor saying that there is no need for that...
eh...i talked so long still havent touched on my specialist visit i skipped my chem pract and PE to go for my visit...hehe...anyway...i waited for about 10 mins...then suddenly a pretty doctor( luck isnt that bad...hehe) turned up and led me to the audio room where she checked my ear with the device the previous doctors used( this is the fourth time my ear experienced such device)...she commented that my ear passage or whatsoever is quite narrow...cant really see here comes high tech...i forgot the name of the's a device that checks whether my ear drums are working's connected to a computer and it creates a vibrating sound when it's put into my ears...and apparently... my ear drums are not ruptured at all...and she went on to do a hearing test, which i passed it...after that she asked me to go out and wait for my turn to see the doctor( sad...good things doesnt last long...haha)
And indeed, it turn came and it's a male doctor...sian..haha...anyway...this is the first doctor who din see my ear...instead he did something else...
he asked me to press my nose and blow air thru my ears...and according to's supposed have a 'pop' sound...but mine ears got blocked and was never cleared with a 'pop' sound... this happened next...
Doctor:Hmm...sit over there...i'm going to put a scope in you
Me: Er...what's a scope?
Doctor: ........(writing some notes in my medical record)
Me: (Doesnt like the sound of that)
Doctor: Ok...i'm going to put this camera into your nose to see the inside and also see the inside of your ear...
Me: ( DOESNT LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT!) Er...does it hurt?
Doctor:'s just a little uncomfortable...
He lied...ok la...not really...maybe it's really my hurt on his first try...then he sprayed something into my nose...which i dunno what it is...but he said it is used to 'shrink my nose'...but after din hurt le...just that it's kinda can feel that tube-like camera moving as he pushes it further if you know what i mean...
(Ok...i'm ending's a long post..i know...) after the scope thingy, he told me that my ear drums are not ruptured. Rather, they are retracted. Due to the negative pressure in my ear canal, it sucked the ear drums in, giving the impression that the ear drums had holes. This is due to my nose problem, therefore he will try to cure my nose problem and hopefully cure my ear problem...and i'm supposed to go back to him in a month's time to see the results...
The last part of the discussion: What happens if it did not work?
1) Have a surgery on my nose to fix my nose bone as i'm born with somewhat a funny nose bone that keep causing my left side of my nose to be blocked at times
2) Have a surgery to cut a small hole in my ear drums( I'm assuming that is to release the negative pressure built up in my ear canal) and wait for the ear drums to heal
*Speechless... I think that's enough excitement for the day...ciao~
waiting for you to come back @ 6:59 PM
woohoo! Thailand trip!~
after 12 years...i finally got to go overseas...that applies to my whole family actually..ahaha...
ok...we went to thailand for 4 days and 3 nights................................ ok...i no mood to blog further le...just witnessed my mom and dad quarrelling...they started the quarrel over what---VISA and NETS... no link la...please lor....tried to stop it...then it kinda got worse...ended up my bro got woken up and joined me in the stopping crew...haha... oh well..but now it's ok le...i suppose...they finally finished what they have to say and went back to do their stuff... oh well...i will just post some pics here to show some of the stuff we did in thai then...ciao!~My family at Temple of Dawn
waiting for you to come back @ 11:06 PM